Monday, October 23, 2006

Two Unrelated Things

First, I'd like to refer you all to this excellent article in the NY Times.

Second, I'd like to illustrate why I love Colorado.

Last Friday, it snowed. Quite a bit.

We woke up Saturday to a lovely blanket of snow and a clear blue sky. Naturally, a snowman was made:

Then, on Sunday:

I can't articulate it. But this is why I love living in Colorado. But pay close attention to the fact that The Kid is wearing sandals. And climbing on the carcass of our rocking snowman, a mere 18 hours after his, uh, birth. Heh. I heart Colorado, where snowmen aren't built to last...


Mr Lady said...

Me too, sista. Me too.

Leslie Dillinger said...

It's what I miss the most about good ole CO.

Leslie Dillinger said...

God, and that article was seriously heartbreaking, but wonderfully written. I heart you both and would do anything for you.