Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It's All About The Kee-Yai

Alternative title: Who needs a psychologist when you can teach your child how to karate chop?

The Kid is now in karate. I'm really excited about this development, because apart from teaching how to kick serious butt, karate truly teaches self-control, patience and personal discipline. It's basically zen buddhism as exercise. And I honestly think the lessons he can potentially learn from this sport will benefit him far more than having me drop $120 per session with a psychologist, just to have him charm the pants off of yet another adult, without the resolutions of what happens with his peers at school. The sport can give him a toolbox for his anger, is what I'm hoping.

Oh, and yes, this summer I fully intend to get the chamois out and teach him "wax on, wax off."


1 comment:

Alison said...

That sounds awesome. Maybe I should look into it...