Thursday, January 26, 2006

Important Lessons

Just moments ago, before The Kid got into the bathtub, he needed to go potty. I told him he could raise the seat to pee if he wanted to, "because that's what boys do." Then, as he went, I said, "Then, when you are done, put the seat back, because that's what good boys do."

Just a single mother, doing her job to advance the male population...


Peggy said...

Good work, Molly. Very good work.

Next, work on the following tidbit:

"A wise man/boy washes his hands after he pees. A wiser man/boy doesn't pee on his hands."

Love ya,

Mrs. Ris said...

I was dedicated to making my little boy a good man, years of reinforcing polite behaviors, molding and loving and praying it would stick. And it did. Until he went off to college and joined a frat... aka, slobs and scum.. and all of my good work went for naught... and then he came back after graduation to live in our basement and go to grad school, and it's been 8 months, and I am still falling into the toilet because being a good man/fit for society is a fleeting skill. So keep it up... it's never ending.

Anonymous said...

good job molly. we all know there are a fair share of jerks in this world.

Anonymous said...

good job molly. we all know there are a fair share of jerks in this world.